
A Blog for the Silversmiths + Jewelers.

You were asked to use your jewelry metalsmith skills to make something for someone else’s product line.   It’s exciting!   Such opportunities are a good way to make some regular money for a period of time, get your name out there in a new way and work in collaboration with designers, or entrepreneurs. However, it’s your first offer of this kind, it can also be a bit overwhelming – especially if you haven’t created anything like the particular design requested of you. You want to be fair to your client, and yourself in regards to your time and the cost of materials. What does that look like? A contract agreement of some kind?  Here are some essential details Harold Studio recommends considering and including in a contract before you agree to take on the work. 1.      Arrange for a beta production period where you are paid to design and create from their specs a sample of prototypes for approval. This way, yo......